Monday, March 14, 2011

What so ever you do

Jesus taught his disciples that what so ever you do to the least of His brothers you do it to Him.
He also explained that when we give a cup of cold water to a thirsty person, visit the sick and the prisoner, cloth the naked, and feed the hungry we are doing these things for Him. There are words like "enter into the joy of the Lord" and "good and faithful servant" that go along with those action.

If we do everything as unto the Lord and for the Love of God our life becomes meaningful and blessed. We love to be out in the mainstream teaching, preaching, and ministering to groups of people. However, as we presently spend time caring for a sick brother in the Lord, being available to be at his hospice bedside 24 hours a day, we have a deep sense of Jesus being present here. He is receiving our labors of love. This is an unusual season, but so very precious.

Look around. Care for the one in front of you. Jesus is there waiting.

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